

End of the semester is here, I’ve been spending a lot more time in studio than I’m used to. Though getting back into the swing of things. It’s as if I’m back in undergrad slaving away on Rhino, Vray, and Illustrator. Except replace Rhino and Vray with Ecotect, eQuest, and IES. Simulation class has a final project where we have to reduce the resource consumption of a semi-passively designed house. I reduced the electrical demand by 75% but increased natural gas consumption by 200%. Fuck it, turning it in like that. I’ll edit it later if I have time. Too many deadlines to meet.

HSPV Diagnostics and Monitoring’s final project is due Friday. I haven’t started. It’s an investigation of a building with the following symptoms: efflorescence, queer internal environmental controls, excessive condensation, and possible structural damage on the steel frame from moisture. I have to prepare a report that shows diagnosis, analysis, prognosis and recommendation to building staff.

I haven’t started.

Currently procrastinating on EAS paper about the impact of green buildings by writing this post. Also have a homework assignment to do that makes absolutely no sense which is due on the same day as that paper. And our final for that class is the day after. Which is the day before Diagnostics project is due.

Yay for finals.

summer solar ray

Image from simulation final project. It’s cute. Possibly too cute.

I’ve been drinking way too much coffee. I need to refill on white strips during the break.

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